Tuesday 13 December 2011

Shell and Argentium bracelet

These rectangular shell beads need low light to view their colours. In bright light they shine pure white or flash like polished silver, as you change their angle they can become midnight black, in low light you start to see sunset colours appear. Joined together with non-tarnishing Argentium silver wire and a Sterling clasp.

Monday 12 December 2011

Iolite earrings wrapped in Argentium

Faceted Iolite gemstones (5-7mm) wrapped in Argentium.
I love Iolite...I have a small quantity of these lovely gems and I will make something else with them soon! They are also called water saphires, and they look like violet coloured drops of water. Iolite apparently gets its name from the Greek word for violet. Iolite is also called Viking's Compass because the gemstone was used to determine where the sun was on cloudy days. A good stone for this dark time of year, I hope it brings you a little cheer as well!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Shell and Argentium earrings

Shell Geometry

Paua Shell Argentium earrings and the snowy view from my studio

Paua Shell and Argentium earrings


Argentium Hoops

Hand-made Argentium ear-wires
Hammered Argentium hoops with faceted Garnet

More Argentium hoops: one pair with Amethyst and one with Lapis

Argentium Sterling

The new wire has arrived so I can get busy again!
I decided to start using Argentium Sterling Silver wire, it is a little more expensive than regular Sterling but the benefits sound worth it:
1. Less tarnish
2. Brighter and whiter than Platinum, White Gold or regular Sterling
2. More pure than regular Sterling (it may be preferable for people with sensitivities)
3.Environmentally friendly

Saturday 3 December 2011

Barrhaven Bazaar

Thank you to everyone who stopped by today!

Amethyst earrings

Amethyst gem stones, Sterling silver beads, and hand-made Sterling ear wires