Thursday 5 August 2010

New name

Interests change and evolve, but especially when they're new and not completely formed blog began as a way to document my love of opals and my efforts to learn how to contain them into jewellery. Learning the basics of making jewellery has exposed me to a whole world of other interesting gems out there and pearls, wonderous pearls! blog needs a new name!
A long time ago, I was once a web designer and registered my business as 'Weber Designs'. The name might still fit..especially as this web of interests keeps expanding one strand at a time.

Right now I am captivated by pearls and my thoughts keep drifting to the sea with its fresh colours and cooling salty breezes. I made these two pairs of sterling silver earrings. Each with a large freshwater pearl and a Citrine bead, one has Peridot and the other pink Jasper.